Tweeting for Validation


Hi, my name is Breton and I love social media.

I don't think there's anything wrong with loving social media, actually. Facebook is great for keeping in touch with people I don't get to see often, Tumblr is fun and there are so many artists to discover there, Instagram is my favourite place to share my aesthetic and share photography, and Twitter is the only place fit for all of my brain vomit that no one wants to hear.

Social media is also a confidence-sucking, time-wasting, negativity-spreading black hole of worldliness. But that's minor details am I right?

In the past three months I've had the worst anxiety. Anxiety that keeps me up at night, that makes me dislike the way I look, that leaves me in constant worry of what people are thinking about me. It's been getting out of hand to say the least.

What does this have to do with social media?


I seek my validation from every instagram post that I decide to share, I crave reactions to my facebook comments and statuses, I delete tweets if they don't get recognized or I don't think they're funny enough, I say so much but I say so little because I'm constantly worried if my post might offend someone or if they'll like it or not. It's headache worthy, to be honest. I don't know how I keep up with myself and still manage to have a life.

Oh wait except I don't.

I've been so caught up trying to catch validation from these people that aren't physically or emotionally in my life that I've ignored the people who are. How lame of me is that? But not only this; I've been so absorbed in twitter and instagram that it's become more priority for me to pick up my phone or tweet something than it is to pick up a bible or pray.

I've prioritized technology over my relationship with God. How could I have let this happen?

So with that said, I bet you can guess what I'm going to say next.

I've deleted my apps off my phone (Holy crap, I'm gonna have to use my phone for actual phone things... like calling people!) and I'm taking a break from social media. I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll return after I learn to find validation in myself and in God. Maybe that's in a week or in a month, who knows.

If I have a thought I'm going to share it on this blog. No one reads this blog except myself anyways (if someone is reading this: Hey there!). So that's that.

(Is this when I drop the mic?)


  1. I've done the same thing before. Seriously, technology can seriously distract you from spending time with God sometimes. It's good in some aspects and sometimes I think it's part of why we have so many insecurity issues, loneliness in today's society. Sometimes I think it's sad that even real face to face conversations have been replaced with quick calls, texts and facetimes.

    1. This is so true! Today I visited with a friend and didn't pull out my phone once and it was pleasant to just visit. So often we're so busy documenting the moment we forget to live it — you know what I mean?
      One day without and my head is already clearer.
