

Sometimes I picture my life like a train.
I'm chugging along the tracks, my head being the engine and all the cars I pull behind me being my emotions and feelings.
And it's all good as long as those cars stay in line, stay in order — each one pulling each other along and working together to stay on the never ending tracks.

Sometimes I picture my life like train wreck.
This month has been a train wreck.
I'm just going along my pathway like I always have and then suddenly before my eyes is a great tree fallen across the tracks. I only have a second to think, a second to take action before I hit the great obstruction before me. With all my might I try to stop myself from hitting the large structure but —alas!— the weight of the cars behind are just too vast and the only thing I can do is crash.
Suddenly the cars are piling on top of me; spilling their contents all over my poor beat up self and nothing could have been done to stop it.
Sadness, anger, joy, peace, anxiety, stress — everything is all at once. All over me.

Now I'm left here just cleaning up all the contents that are scattered along the tracks by myself, hoping that no one was collateral damage in the mistake of my crash.

Let's just say I have respect for train conductors.


  1. oh, wow. I so relate to this. thank you for putting this into words <3
